Own Operating System For Getting Hardware information
The TVKOS kernel is written in 16-bit x86 real mode assembly language. This gives the Information of the hardware.
build-linux.sh after any changes done just need to compile this program then it will rearrange and ready for execution. in linux you can write “sudo bash ./build-linux.sh” in the terminal and compile the program.
disk_images contain flp and iso for images. OS will boot up in a virtual PC. If you want to use it on a real PC, you can write the floppy disk image to a real floppy and boot from it, or generate a CD-ROM ISO image.build
source/bootload bootload.asm contains bios program and bootload.bin machine language.
soruce/features keyboard.asm contain keyboard programs
source kernal.asm is main starting program after bootload.asm finishes kernal.asm will run
Build requirements: the NASM assembler, dosfstools package, ‘mkisofs’ utility ,virtualbox or qemu and root access. We need root access because we loopback-mount the floppy disk image to insert our files.
Compiling the program
locationfolder/TVKOS sudo bash ./build-linux.sh
Running the QEMU emulator
qemu-system-x86_64 -boot d -cdrom locationfolder/TVKOS/disk_images/tvkos.iso -m ramsize
Source code